

Our team disrupts traditional learning techniques and promotes hands-on project-based learning to activate students’ curiosity and creativity. We are evangelists of hackathons, makerspaces and design thinking as ways for students to deeply engage with otherwise mundane material, and fully aspire to help build the “science classroom of the future”.



ece ‘26

I joined E-Club to find a group of people who are passionate about using innovation to give back to our communities. It’s been incredibly eye-opening to see the amazing projects our different sub teams dedicate themselves to, whether it’s in the field of medicine or in education like here at IgniteSTEM!

Hi everyone! My name is Christine and I'm a junior in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. I'm excited for the opportunity to help lead IgniteSTEM this year and make a difference in the classroom! Outside of E-Club, I'm also a part of the Chinese Student Association and Club Tennis on campus.

andrew hsu

ecO ‘26

I joined E-Club to connect with like-minded peers driven to find innovative solutions to major societal challenges like education. I have enjoyed the diversity of backgrounds, majors, and career interests, which has made E-Club a leading center of innovation and creativity on campus. Moreover, I appreciate how E-Club provides all sorts of unique resources and programs that redefine what it means to be an entreprenuer.

I am a current junior from Orange County, CA majoring in Economics on the Political Economy track. As Co-Director of IgniteSTEM, I am focused on expanding our reach and finding innovative ways to continue fulfilling our mission! In addition to E-Club, I also sing bass for VTone, am part of the Taiwanese American Student Association, and work as an Economics Undergraduate Course Assistant.

what we do


conference series

Through our signature (yet free) conference series, we strive to build a network of committed educators and student ambassadors across the world working together to transform how STEM is perceived and taught.

  • In the past, we have brought educators together in NYC, Princeton, Philadelphia and Stanford, and are currently expanding to other continental areas and potentially Hong Kong, London, Athens.

  • We have featured leaders at the cutting edge of the industry, including Jonathan Rochelle (creator of Google Drive), Mike Swift (Founder/CEO of Major League Hacking), Anant Agarwal (CEO of EdX) and Pat Yongpradit (CAO at Code.org).

  • We have distributed our Hack-in-a-Box takeaway offering to more than 1,000+ attendees in all of our conferences, providing valuable guidance and gear for them to get the ideas flowing in their very own hackathon

We have documented our impact in stories: here and here


educational content

We're building an original intellectual node for educational thought by writing our own teacher workbook to improve design thinking at the high school level. We also test new methods in education through live and remote student ideation challenges. Our content roster is filled through assorted blog posts, educational conference giveaways and a monthly newsletter.


strive to innovate

Every year, IgniteSTEM reinvents itself in transformative new ways to deepen its impact in the classroom. In the past, we have gone from rewarding good practices in the classroom with minimal cash prizes to offering networking, stewardship and $8,000 in grants to four select visionary educators. We have gone from trying to organize EdChats to providing tailored experiences to teacher networks via spotlights and a newsletter. From offering printout Hackathon guides to examining partnerships with startups like Hack+ which would offer a complete-package deal.

Our work is invaluably supported by a strong sponsorships team that seek and utilize contacts throughout the non-profit and corporate world to raise tens of thousands of dollars every year, design experts that refine our brand as we tailor our mission and social media gurus that drive traffic to our outlets and help us expand to more teachers, more classrooms and more students.